I own a Bitbugs NFT

Login in as owner has the following benefits:
⇾ Download your mp4 video for personal use
⇾ Your video download link will not expire so you can post your video using URL in social media and/or download it at any time
⇾ Your video does not contain any stamp/note crediting Bitbugs. It is yours.
⇾ You have the option to publish your video in Twitter @BitbugsBot to participate in Bitbugs video contest. Read contest rules here.
⇾ Server priority over guests to process your video
⇾ Unlimited videos and no video quotas per day

To login as a Bitbugs owner you need to prove you are the owner. Please start by typing your Bitbug Id number (Token #):

I am not a Bitbugs NFT owner

You can login as guest. Doing so you can:
⇾ Download your mp4 video for personal use.
⇾ Your video download link lasts 24 hours.
⇾ Your video contains a stamp/note crediting Bitbugs.
⇾ Your video may be published in Twitter @BitbugsBot (random selection) but will not participate in Bitbugs video contest.
⇾ Guest quota of 24 video guests/day.
⇾ Guests would be able to enter the Video Lab for a limited period of time.

Click the button below to continue as guest: